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Preparing for your visit

We want your time with us to go smoothly and be stress free. Below are some tips and recommendations to help you feel prepared for your visit.


If your doctor has given us advance notice of your inpatient or outpatient admission, someone from the admissions department may call you a few days before your scheduled visit to verify basic information, such as your address and next of kin, name of your employer and the type of insurance that you carry. It would also be helpful to tell us if you have any special needs, such a wheelchair or an interpreter. This information will speed up the registration process on the date of your arrival.

What you need to bring to the hospital

Be sure to have this information and these items available before your admission.

  • Social Security number
  • Insurance card
  • State-issued photo ID, like a driver’s license
  • Form of payment for noninsurance-covered expenses
  • Living will
  • If applicable, Medicare or Medicaid card
  • If applicable, a birth plan
  • In some instances you might also need to bring a written physician order

If you are going to stay in the hospital overnight or for an extended period of time, you may want to bring some items to make your stay more comfortable.

  • Shampoo
  • Toothpaste and toothbrush
  • Any medications you need
  • Slippers or socks

Documents you will be asked to sign

  • When registering, you may be asked to sign a conditions of admission form
  • Medicare recipients will be asked basic questions to help us complete a Medicare Secondary Payor questionnaire and will be given a Medicare rights statement
  • Champus/Tricare recipients will be asked to sign a Champus rights statement

Preparing for surgery

  • Skin cleansing
    Please shower or bathe with Hibiclens before coming to the hospital. Follow the link above for specific instructions about how to use Hibiclens and about the prevention of surgical site infections. More information on surgical site infections
  • Medications
    You will be instructed which medications to take before surgery. Please follow these instructions. Be sure to provide a complete and accurate list of your medications, including over-the-counter drugs and herbal supplements, while visiting with your doctors, nurses and anesthesia staff. Talk to your doctor about blood thinning-medications such as warfarin (Coumadin), clopidogrel (Plavix), aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen and diabetic medications. Some of these medications need to be reduced in dosage or stopped before surgery.
  • Eating, drinking, taking medications and brushing teeth
    Do not eat, drink or smoke after midnight the night before your surgery unless your doctor instructs otherwise. This includes gums, candies and chewing tobacco. If you are instructed to take any medications on the morning of surgery, use just enough water to swallow your pills. Try to limit the amount to one ounce or less. Do not drink juice, coffee, tea or milk. You may brush your teeth the morning of surgery.

Before surgery

We can help you prepare for your surgery in a quiet, friendly environment by setting up an appointment at our Pre-Operative Assessment Clinic. As you visit with our nurses and a representative of the anesthesia department, we will assess your readiness to safely undergo anesthesia. We may recommend blood tests, X-rays, and/or an EKG. This visit will take from 30 minutes to two hours, depending on the testing required. You can schedule your clinic appointment by calling (316) 962-9130 between the hours of 8:30am and 4:00pm We will be happy to arrange your visit at a convenient time for you. Please bring your health insurance card(s), a photo ID and the completed health history form that includes a current medication list.

You may park in the south parking lot at Central and Rutan. Check in at the admissions desk to your right after you enter.

If you are unable to attend the Pre-Op Clinic, we would like to do a telephone history. This is important to making your admission go as smoothly as possible. Please call (316) 962-7269 if you live in Wichita, or (800) 732-0189 toll-free if you live outside the Wichita area. If the phone is not answered, please leave us a message and we will return your call on the next working day.

Registration areas

Wesley Medical Center has five registration areas: main admissions (admissions north), critical care building (admissions southeast), Wesley BirthCare Center, the ambulatory surgery unit and the ER.

Main admissions (admissions north)

Hours of operation are 5:00am - 7:00pm daily. The registration desk is located on the first floor of the main entrance lobby at the corner of Hillside and Murdock (near the patients' parking garage). The phone number is (316) 962-2565. At 7 p.m., the ER registrars will assume the registration function for outpatients scheduled between 7 and 9 p.m. and direct admissions to the ER.

Critical care (admissions southeast)

Hours of operation are Monday-Friday 6:30am - 4:30pm. The critical care center is located on the southeast corner of the hospital campus near the corner of Central and Rutan.

Patients entering the building for outpatient tests and procedures including pediatric sedation, nuclear medicine, ultrasound, CT scans, vascular imaging, radiation therapy, pre-op assessment clinic, infusions and respiratory care should go to admissions southeast just inside the entrance. The phone number is (316) 962-9080. Any walk-ins or patients that come after 4:30 p.m. will be registered by the main admissions staff until 7:00pm.

Wesley BirthCare Center

Obstetric patients who are not high-risk should go directly to the reception desk in the Wesley BirthCare Center if they believe they are in labor. The birth care center is located at 3222 E. Murdock at the corner of Hillside and Murdock. The phone number is (316) 962-3222. Our obstetricians and other birthing center personal are here 24/7 for your care.


Hours of operation are 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The emergency room is located on the southwest corner of the hospital campus at Central and Hillside. Open 24/7, all emergency patients entering Wesley Medical Center through the ER will be registered in this area. Any admissions occurring after main admissions is closed will also register through this area (except for patients going to the Wesley BirthCare Center). Our doctors and medical team are here 24/7 to care for you when you need it most. The phone number for ER admissions is (316) 962-2227.

Wesley Medical Center
550 N. Hillside
Wichita, KS 67214
(316) 962-2000